

Добрый день

"Добрый день Россия - что мы можем сделать для вас сегодня? "


PMOH-Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва - Берлин - Иерусалим - RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org.- Moscow - Berlin - Jerusalem

"God bless our Great Russian Nation, our Motherland and Fatherland ,our Leaders,our Sons and Daughters,our Friends and Allies"

Monday, June 28, 2021

Poland ! Beware ! Awake ! Stay out of Harm's Way ! Do not point your Guns in the wrong direction !

POLAND - once WTO - Warsaw Treaty Org. Member

Be not fooled by the West into a false sense of security ! You are manipulated like other Eastern European Nations and former Soviet Republics ! You are merely a pawn in the hands of the Western Master Manipulators ! No one intents on return to the dark days of martial law and oppression in the Eighties ! The West and NATO, whom you proudly proclaim of belonging to now for over 20 years ! have but ONE GOAL ! Defeat Russia ! Crash Russia ! Bring Russia to their knees in whatever fowl play methods necessary ! Their Cold War is still going on, with you and others becoming willing Instruments on their Chess Board ! They are pushing further and closer to the Russian Border for Strangulation and Incirclement !

Be not a part in this !