

Добрый день

"Добрый день Россия - что мы можем сделать для вас сегодня? "


PMOH-Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва - Берлин - Иерусалим - RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org.- Moscow - Berlin - Jerusalem

"God bless our Great Russian Nation, our Motherland and Fatherland ,our Leaders,our Sons and Daughters,our Friends and Allies"

Monday, June 28, 2021

NVA - Nationale Volksarmee - DVRD - DDR Sondereinheiten der Nationalen Volksarmee der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD -DDR - Kaliningrad - ehem.Sowjetunion

Warning ! NATO membership would make Montenegro "a legitimate target of Russian missiles.

click here or on the picture to reach the NATO East website - Protesters in Montenegro burn the NATO Flag

In March 2014, Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Đukanović stated the desire for Montenegro to join NATO, and in May 2014 expressed the hopes an invitation to join the organization will be favoured at the 2014 NATO summit in September. Russian MP Mikhail Degtyarev of the nationalist LDPR warned that NATO membership would make Montenegro "a legitimate target of Russian missiles."- Montenegro was received as a full NATO member in 2017. (wikipedia)

click here for the NATO EAST.BLOG

Черногория как партнер НАТО является законной целью для российских ракет - Russian MP Mikhail Degtyarev of the nationalist LDPR warned that NATO membership would make Montenegro "a legitimate target of Russian missiles.